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Monday, February 26, 2007

new crap tuesday 2/27/07


"Explosions In the Sky" "All of A Sudden, I Miss Everyone": More of the same instrumental crap that sounds good when I'm stoned, not so much when I'm not. I think there are enough instrumental bands out there and this one kinda get lost in the fold. No radio singles here(which is a good thing mind you). Try it out, maybe you'll fall in love.

!!!"Myth Takes": !!!(chick chick chick) is a band I have ignored for quite some time, mainly cause of the fans. I didn't realize they were a dance band(hey I can't keep track of every group). I was pleasntly surprised when I played it for the first time. They sound like a more dancy version of gang of four. Yes they play the forbidden drumbeat(un tiss un tiss un tiss un tiss) but they do some good things with it unlike the other bands that rely on it. Lots of multi-instrumentalization is present. The strangest track to me is "Must be the moon"...

Green Day "1039/smoothed out slappy hours": Good old fashioned pop punk from before green day was a huge successfull band selling out stadiums and stuff.

Ladytron "604": Haven't actually checked this one out yet, though I'm sure it's more of the same... For the uninitated, Ladytron plays electronic pop stuff...

Sisters of Mercy "A mecifull release": Well that was all the information given at billboard.com. I'm guessing it's a re-release of an old album. Check out the wiki for more info

Arcade Fire "Neon Bible" Yaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn.... I tried it, I want my bandwidth back...


stranger than fiction: This movie did poorly in the theaters. Good for a movie theater employee, bad for the business. This film could have been so much more. I did laugh out loud more than once and overall I think it deserves a rent.

Well, I'm already behind so hopefully next weeks one cometogether better...

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