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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

[MUSIC]Weezer files a lawsuit against Miller Brewing company.

I used to looooooove weezer when I was in middle school. The Blue album and Pinkerton rocked my world and loved them for it. OF course we all know what happened and how much they began to suck like no other. I blame television and video games.

Well it appears that weezer is pissed off at miller brewing because they used them in some ads and associated them with some bands they don't like. Oh yeah, did I mention it caused millions in damages? Yeah, sure.

Here is a copy of the lawsuit in pdf format. It's really boring. To make up for that, here is a fan video don in mspaint...

UPDATE!!!!!:I found out some of the bands they don't wosh to be associated with...

Audioslave (who also sued), Velvet Revolver, Puddle of Mudd, Trapt and Bon Jovi. I guess I don't blame them

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