Ofwhatitis has moved to http://ofwhatitis.com

Friday, March 30, 2007

ofwhatitis.com is now live and online...


I have a hideous splash page of only text right now with a link to my blog and the template of my blog incomplete but with a small amount of functionality.


Blogger has been a good experience but being an actual webpage master makes it a little harder to shirk responsibility... So update your bookmarks and feedreaders...

If you found this from a link somewhere, lemme know where that link was so I can get it changed...

1 comment:

Kevin D said...


A quick hello to let you know that Fuelmyblog has had some surgery done and lots of changes have happened.
Your current voting widget is not valid, to fix this all you need to do is login to your account with Fuel and follow the link for widgets. All the widgets displayed on that page have the code matching your blog and are ready to copy and paste.

Happy blogging!